Get Generated Keys To Return Primary Key Using Jdbc

Posted By admin On 11.12.20
  1. Get Generated Keys To Return Primary Key Using Jdbc Windows 10
  2. Get Generated Keys To Return Primary Key Using Jdbc Tutorial

JDBC 3.0 introduced to get auto generated keys using getGeneratedKeys method, It return the ResultSet object with the help of next method of result set we retrieve the auto generated key value. Mysql Auto generated Key Value. Sometimes we need to retrive auto generated key. This example shows how to retrieve auto generated primary key by the database (via an insert statement). Following method of JdbcTemplate takes KeyHolder argument which will contain the generated key on the successful insert execution. In these cases, just call getKey to retrieve the key. The returned value is a Number here, which is the usual type for auto-generated keys. Fetch Auto Generated primary key with JdbcTemplate Following is the implementation of an insert statement using jdbctemplate.

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JDBCObject Oriented ProgrammingProgramming

While creating a table, in certain scenarios, we need values to column such as ID, to be generated/incremented automatically. Various databases support this feature in different ways.

In MySQL database you can declare a column auto increment using the following syntax.

While inserting records in a table there is no need to insert value under the auto-incremented column. These will be generated automatically.

For example, in a table if we have a column with name ID and data type INT, which is auto-incremented and, if we already have 6 records in that table. When you insert the next record using the INSERT statement the ID value of the new record will be 7 and the ID value of its next record will be 8.

(You can specify the initial value and interval for these auto-incremented columns).

Retrieving the auto-incremented values

If you insert records into a table which contains auto-incremented column, using a PreparedStatement object.

You can retrieve the values of that particular column, generated by the current PreparedStatement object using the getGeneratedKeys() method.


Let us create a table with name sales in MySQL database, with one of the columns as auto-incremented, using CREATE statement as shown below −

Now, to insert records into this table using PreparedStatement object and, to retrieve the auto-incremented values generated by it −

  • Register the Driver class of the desired database using the registerDriver() method of the DriverManager class or, the forName() method of the class named Class.
  • Create a Connection object by passing the URL of the database, user-name and password of a user in the database (in string format) as parameters to the getConnection() method of the DriverManager class.
  • Create a PreparedStatement object using the prepareStatement() method of the connection interface.
Get generated keys to return primary key using jdbc tutorial

/online-cummins-insite-76-key-generator.html. To this method pass the INSERT statement with bind variables in string format as one parameter and, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS as other parameter as −

  • Set values of each record to the bind variables using the setXXX() methods and, add it to batch.

After adding values of all the records to the batch, execute the batch using the executeBatch() method.

  • Finally, get the auto-incremented keys generated by this PreparedStatement object using the getGeneratedKeys() method.

Following JDBC program inserts 5 records into the Sales table (created above) using PreparedStatement, retrieves and displays the auto-incremented values generated by it.

Get Generated Keys To Return Primary Key Using Jdbc Windows 10


Get Generated Keys To Return Primary Key Using Jdbc Tutorial
